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aPoints - is an abstract strategy game "points" (for "Android" platform), the European version of the game "Go". It's very popular in Russia among students in secondary and higher education establishments. Rules of the game correspond to the classic international rules. The game played on field size 39x32 item (is the intersection of the lines on the field). Players take turns (one turn - one point). Goal: to surround their points the maximum number of points of the enemy. Environment must be constructed so that the distance between two points is no more than a single cell - a straight or diagonal. After a mutual agreement to end the game, to win the player, surrounded by a large number of the enemy.functionality:- Scroll and Zoom the playing area;- To avoid mistakes, fixing the course after a second click on a point (or button);- Ability to save the party and / or continue the last game;- Multiplayer via the Internet and Bluetooth;- Game Chat.
If, after downloading an application from the Android Market goes on unlicensed copies of the message, run the application to include the Internet. After successful verification of the license application can be used both online and offline. After the expiration of the license (6 days), and its details please update. Updating and renewal occurs automatically when the application has access to the Internet.